Società e Salute S.p.A. (“Centro Medico Santagostino”)
Leading network of private outpatient clinics in Italy
Advised on Sale of Company
IMAP Italy advised PE fund L-GAM on the Sale of Centro Medico Santagostino to UnipolSai
The private equity fund L-GAM has signed a contract for the sale of 100% of the share capital of Società e Salute S.p.A. (“Centro Medico Santagostino”) to UnipolSai Group.
Founded in 2009 and backed by the private equity fund L-GAM since 2020, Centro Medico Santagostino is a network of outpatient clinics in Italy that combines high-quality private healthcare with affordable prices.
Vitale (IMAP Italy) acted as financial advisor to L-GAM offering support in the structuring of the transaction, in the negotiation phases and in the coordination of due diligence activities.
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