Design, production and supply of equipment and components for the energy industry
Advised on Recapitalization
Advised CDP Equity on the redefinition of its capital investment participation in Valvitalia
Valvitalia Group is active in the field of global design, production and supply of flow control components for the energy, marine and civil industries.
IMAP Italy (Vitale) acted as financial advisor to the shareholder CDP Equity, providing assistance in the context of the redefinition of the financial structure and capital strengthening.
Veselimo se vašega sporočila. Naša ekipa je vedno na voljo za pogovor.
Hvala za vaše zanimanje za IMAP. Prosimo, uporabite spodnji obrazec, da nam poveste več o vaši trenutni situaciji in poskrbeli bomo, da vam bo pravi strokovnjak odgovoril čim prej.