Zimmer Medizinsysteme GmbH

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Zimmer Medizinsysteme GmbH
Leading European manufacturers for physiotherapy systems
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Enraf - Nonius (and its group companies)
Pphysiotherapy and rehabilitation equipment and devices
Advised on Sale of Company

Zimmer Medizinsysteme GmbH aquires Enraf-Nonius

Enraf-Nonius (and its group companies) is one of the leading companies in physiotherapy and rehabilitation equipment and devices. The Company’s product division delivers physiotherapy and rehabilitation equipment globally. Its project division provides turn-key healthcare project solutions mainly in developing countries. Enraf-Nonius is fully acquired by Zimmer Medizinsysteme GmbH, one of the leading European manufacturers for physiotherapy systems based in Germany.


Zimmer Medizinsysteme GmbH is one of the leading European manufacturers for physiotherapy systems based in Germany. Innovative cardiologic products, diagnostic products and aesthetic products also enhance their product lines.


Enraf-Nonius (and its group companies) is one of the leading companies in physiotherapy and rehabilitation equipment and devices. The Company’s product division delivers physiotherapy and rehabilitation equipment globally. Its project division provides turn-key healthcare project solutions mainly in developing countries.

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Transakcijski svetovalci
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