Visma AS

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Visma AS
provides software for businesses, including accounting automation, payroll systems, HR systems, etc.
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Software company providing comprehensive, intuitive and user-friendly IT solutions for lawyers
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised on sale of iVISION to Visma

DealHaus (IMAP Denmark) advised specialist IT company iVISION on its sale to software firm VISMA.

Founded in 1998, iVISION provides comprehensive, intuitive and user-friendly IT solutions for Danish lawyers. Its cloud-based administration system Legis 365 streamlines the work of more than 300 Danish law firms by bringing together client and case management, e-mail integration, document management, time registration and invoicing in one cloud-based solution.

For Visma, Europe’s leading provider of mission-critical software, the acquisition also marks the Group’s first entry into the legal tech market. 

Izvedi več
Transakcijski svetovalci

Our business is your business growth


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