Alere Advisors

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Alere Advisors
Asset management and consulting firm specializing in Food, Beverages, and Retail
Acquired a Minority Stake
Grupo QBCo
Development and manufacturing of private brands in various food categories
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Grupo QBCo on the process of securing Alere Advisors as a strategic partner

IMAP is pleased to announce that Inverlink - IMAP Colombia has advised Grupo QBCo in the process of securing Alere Advisors as a strategic partner.

QBCo is a multi-category business group with over 60 years of experience in the Colombian market, making it one of the leading players in the food and beverage sector in the country, focused on the large-scale production and development of private label brands.

Alere is a Dominican asset management and consulting firm specializing in food, beverages, and retail, with extensive experience in the northern Latin American region.

As a new shareholder of Grupo QBCo, Alere will drive the company's continuous growth thanks to its experience and track record with assets in the food and consumer goods sector in the region.

“We are proud to have advised Grupo QBCo on this important transaction. The addition of Alere as a new partner is a significant step for the Company's future growth. We are convinced that Alere’s deep expertise in the food and beverage sector in LatAm, will contribute to consolidating QBCo's position as one of the leading players in the industry,” said Mauricio Saldarriaga, team leader and Managing Partner at INVERLINK.

The team from Inverlink - IMAP Colombia, led by Mauricio Saldarriaga, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Grupo QBCo throughout the process.

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