Stiftung Diakonat Bethesda

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Stiftung Diakonat Bethesda
Operator of elderly care homes
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Wenger Betriebs AG
Operator of elderly care homes
Advised on Sale of Company

IMAP Switzerland advised the owners of retirement home operator Wenger Betriebs on its sale to Diakonat Bethesda Foundation

Wenger Betriebs AG was taken over by the Diakonat Bethesda Foundation as a wholly owned subsidiary with retroactive effect from January 2024. This was agreed by the owners of Wenger Betriebs AG and the Diakonat Bethesda Foundation. As a result, the retirement and nursing homes Adelmatt in Aeschi, Allmendguet and Schärmehof in Thun, Jurablick in Hindelbank, Wohnguet in Täuffelen and Schmiedhof in Zurich will operate under the umbrella of Bethesda Alterszentren with their current names.

TCFG (IMAP Switzerland) acted as lead advisor to Wenger Betriebs AG. 

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