SCIO Automation

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
SCIO Automation
Sponsor-backed industrial automation technology group
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
System integrator for complex intralogistics and robotics solutions
Advised on Purchase of Company

IMAP advises SCIO Automation on the acquisition of MFI GmbH

SCIO Automation GmbH, based in Frankenthal and majority owned by Quadriga Capital, strengthens its industrial automation competence by acquiring MFI GmbH. With this acquisition, SCIO expands its portfolio in the field of intralogistics and adds specialized expertise in the food industry as well as a proprietary warehouse management software.

SCIO Automation GmbH, Frankenthal, Germany

As a medium-sized platform in the field of industrial automation technology and related engineering services, SCIO comprises niche suppliers with decades of experience in their respective fields of activity. The SCIO automation platform continues its successful growth with this acquisition. 

MFI GmbH, Benningen am Neckar, Germany

MFI was founded in 1994 with a focus on electrical engineering and software development. Today, the company offers tailor-made intralogistics and robotics solutions as well as 24/7 support services. With its over 100 employees in Germany, the company operates as a system integrator for complex intralogistics and robotics solutions.


IMAP M&A Consultants AG initiated the transaction on behalf of SCIO Automation GmbH and handled it in all its phases.

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