RLJ Equity Partners

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
RLJ Equity Partners
PE firm
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Ogle School
Operates cosmetology schools that prepare students for careers in the beauty industry
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised cosmetology education provider Ogle School Holdings on its sale to RLJ Equity

Capstone Partners (IMAP USA) advised Ogle School Holdings, a provider of cosmetology and esthetics education, on its sale to RLJ Equity.


Founded in 1973, Ogle, a portfolio company of NCK Capital and Greyrock Capital, operates nine campuses providing cosmetology and esthetics education throughout Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio, TX. The Company differentiates itself through its unparalleled part-time and full-time programs offered to a population of approximately 2,000 future beauty professionals. The goal of the school is for students to walk away with real-world experience made possible by the on-campus student-powered salons.

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