leading professional services firm offering audit, tax, and advisory solutions
Agnès Blust Consulting
offers specialized management and strategy consulting services
Advised on Sale
Advised on sale of Agnès Blust Consulting to PWC as part of a succession plan
Agnès Blust Consulting AG, a leading boutique compensation consulting firm, is joining forces with PWC effective March 4, 2022. PWC will support Agnès Blust Consulting in its future growth.
TCFG (IMAP Switzerland) acted as lead advisor to the seller in the context of a succession plan.
Veselimo se vašega sporočila. Naša ekipa je vedno na voljo za pogovor.
Hvala za vaše zanimanje za IMAP. Prosimo, uporabite spodnji obrazec, da nam poveste več o vaši trenutni situaciji in poskrbeli bomo, da vam bo pravi strokovnjak odgovoril čim prej.