Puratos Group

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Puratos Group
International group offering a full range products, raw materials and application for bakers
Acquired 100% of Levapan's stake in JV
JV between TVAPAN 500 and Puratos Dominicana
JV of industrial companies operating in Colombia, DR and Ecuador, delivering supplies to bakers
Advised on Sale of Stake

Advised Levapan on the sale of its participation in bakery JV

IMAP is pleased to announce that Inverlink (IMAP Colombia) advised Levapan S.A. on the sale of its participation on a Joint Venture with Puratos Group; composed by TVAPAN 500 (Colombia) and Puratos Dominicana (Dominican Republic) to Puratos.


After 30 years of a successful commercial alliance between Levapan and Puratos, the companies decided to part ways, taking independent approaches to serve clients in Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Ecuador. For the past years, the Joint Venture delivered high quality products to bakeries, patisseries and chocolatiers.


The Inverlink (IMAP Colombia) team, led by Mauricio Saldarriaga, acted as financial advisor to Levapan throughout the sale process, ensuring an easeful transition, to protect workforce and clients in future operations. 

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