Moravia Containers a.s.

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Moravia Containers a.s.
Manufacture of prefab containers
Formed Joint Venture with
Listed industrial group focused on cement and building materials
Advised on Formation of JV

Advised NCL Group on their joint venture with Czech Republic based Moravia Containers

IMAP India is pleased to announce that NCL Industries has entered into an agreement with Moravia Containers to set up a joint venture company (JVC) for the manufacture of modular containers and systems, as well as other products in India. NCL Industries announced this in their public disclosures with Indian stock exchanges. The joint venture agreement outlines a 74.9% equity participation for NCL in the JVC.


NCL Industries is a four-decade old public company that manufactures and sells building materials such as cement, ready mix concrete, cement bonded particle boards, and doors.


Moravia Containers is the largest manufacturer of containers and modular constructions in the Czech Republic with more than 25 years experience in the market and strong credentials in the export of containers with unique designs. It is owned by Oriens Investment Management, an independent, privately-owned investor focused on private equity investments in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia.


The IMAP India team, led by Praveen Nair, acted as strategic advisor to NCL Industries in this cross-border collaboration. The team from IMAP Hungary introduced Oriens to IMAP India.

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