Designer and manufacturer of street furniture, present in 30 countries
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
KOVOSTAL, spol. s r.o.
Designer and manufacturer of seats, tribunes and telescopic tribunes for stadiums and halls
Advised on Purchase of Company
IMAP advised mmcité on acquistion of stadium seating manufacturer Kovostal
mmcité, a company specializing in the design and manufacture of street furniture, recently acquired Kovostal, a metalworking company that focuses on the production of seats, tribunes and telescopic tribunes for stadiums, sports and multifunctional halls, theatres and cinemas, lecture-halls, schools and others. This strategic acquisition, advised by IMAP REDBAENK, aims to enhance mmcité's production capabilities, allowing for greater control over the manufacturing process and improving overall efficiency. By integrating Kovostal's expertise in metalwork, mmcité expects to expand its product range and strengthen its market position in the urban furniture industry. The acquisition is also anticipated to bring about synergies in design and production, fostering innovation and quality improvements in mmcité's offerings.
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