webstyle GmbH

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
webstyle GmbH
Web design, development, and digital marketing services
Has Been Sold to
IT service provider specializing in web hosting and cloud solutions
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised on sale of web and digital marketing specialist Webstyle

webstyle GmbH joins forces with METANET AG on the Swiss market. METANET's parent dogado has acquired all shares in the Burgdorf-based company. METANET and webstyle will work closely together in the future. The Zurich-based hoster is thus expanding its offering to include cloud solutions and underlining its great ambitions in the Swiss market.

With the merger, the companies are giving their customers on both sides access to a significantly expanded product range. The long-established Swiss companies - both of which have been in the market for over 20 years - will work closely together in the future to merge their portfolios and create the best cloud and managed hosting offering in the country.

METANET board member Tilia Schnarwiler was pleased about the future cooperation with the market companions from Burgdorf: "From our long-standing acquaintance, we know how we can work together successfully in the future. Our competencies complement each other ideally." This was confirmed by Michel Zenhäusern, CEO and founder of webstyle: "In recent years, we have focused on server solutions for individual web projects and closely coupled cloud services for business customers. We will soon be able to offer this service to METANET customers as well. In doing so, we will continue to stand for Swiss quality and service, which our customers appreciate so much today."

Zenhäusern will remain with the company, as will all other employees of webstyle GmbH. "We welcome our colleagues under our roof," said Daniel Hagemeier, President of the Board of Directors of METANET AG, and looked forward to developments in the future: "I am convinced that we will be able to make an enormous difference in the Swiss market in the future as a result of this merger of experts."

TCFG (IMAP Switzerland) acted as lead advisor to the seller in the context of a succession plan.

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