Advised Invision on the sale of Kraft & Bauer to Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
The Swiss private investment company INVISION sold its majority stake in Kraft & Bauer Group to Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (DBAG). DBAG Fund VII, which is advised by DBAG, will acquire a majority stake in Kraft & Bauer, a leading supplier of fire extinguishing systems for machine tools, as part of a management buyout (MBO) alongside with the founding Bauer family as well as the current managing director Frank Foddi.
Invision AG, Zug, Switzerland
Swiss private equity firm investing into established midsized companies with a focus on succession cases.
Develops, produces and installs microprocessor-based fire extinguishing systems for 800 different types of tooling machines. Kraft & Bauer employs around 80 people at its headquarters in Holzgerlingen (Baden-Württemberg), the subsidiary in Bannwil (Switzerland) and the 13 service locations in Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Listed private equity company that initiates closed-end private equity funds which enable institutional investors to participate in the equity or equity-like instruments of unlisted companies operating primarily in industrial sectors.
IMAP M&A Consultants AG initiated the transaction on behalf of the shareholders of Kraft & Bauer and handled it in all its phases.
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