Irish Life (subsidiary of Great-West Lifeco)

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Irish Life (subsidiary of Great-West Lifeco)
Largest life assurance company in Ireland
Acquired Investment Interest
VIGO Health
Digital health insurance intermediary
Advised on Purchase of Company

Irish Life VIGO

VIGO Health is a new digital healthcare solution in the Irish marketplace that offers health connections via one platform, bringing together fast access to on-demand health advice, as well as coverage for everyday health costs without the full cost associated with hospital health insurance.


Irish Life, Ireland’s leading life, investment and pension company, owned by Great-West Lifeco. Irish Life Group is one of Ireland’s leading financial services organizations with over 1.3 million customers.


Key Capital (IMAP Ireland) acted as sole financial advisor to Irish Life Group.

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Transakcijski svetovalci
Our business is your business growth


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