Special manufacturer for closure products and security systems
has been acquired by
Endurance Capital AG
Private Equity investor
Advised on Sale of Company
IMAP advises the shareholders of Steinbach & Vollmann GmbH & Co. KG on the sale of the Company to a consortium of investors
Steinbach & Vollmann GmbH & Co. KG (STUV), a leading specialist for high-quality locking and hardware systems, was acquired by an investor consortium led by the zu Sayn-Wittgenstein Family, ENDURANCE Capital and Andreas Kupka. As part of the succession solution, the investors are also strengthening the company with the appointment of Mr. Kupka as the new Managing Director. Leveraging on his extensive industry experience, the company is well poised to continue on its internationalization track.
Founded in 1883 as a traditional specialist manufacturer of closure products and security systems for industry. Locking and fitting elements are supplied to the cooling, safe, high security and sheet metal processing industries. The focus is on the development of special products in small to medium batch sizes.
Endurance Capital AG, München, Germany
Endurance Capital is a medium-sized holding company that acquires medium-sized companies as a private stock corporation with equity capital and can therefore act independently of banks, the stock exchange or funds. The shareholders are entrepreneurial personalities who invest with a long-term perspective.
IMAP M&A Consultants AG initiated the transaction on behalf of STUV and handled it in all its phases.
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