Global energy commodities merchant and infrastructure asset investor
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
S4 Energy B.V.
Development of renewable energy storage technologies
Advised on Sale of Company
IMAP Advised energy storage systems specialist S4 Energy on Sale to CCI
Castleton Commodities International ("CCI") acquired a majority stake in S4 Energy BV ("S4 Energy"), a company that develops, owns and operates large-scale energy storage systems.
Based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, S4 Energy builds hybrid storage systems by combining grid-scale lithium-ion batteries together with the company's proprietary KINEXT flywheel technology. S4 Energy has an operating portfolio of 25MW in the Netherlands and a project pipeline across various stages of development and construction. The company targets building more than 300MW of long-duration storage assets over the next 3 years throughout Western Europe.
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