
Proiščite svojega svetovalca
IT services
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
IT services
Advised on Sale of Company

Financial advisory and company valuation to facilitate the transaction regarding Számlaközpont

Számlaközpont Zrt. is one of the leading providers of electronic invoice issuing in Hungary, who develops and offers e-invoicing solutions primarily for B2B customers using ERP systems.

Since 2010, Számlaközpont Zrt. had received continuous support from X-Ventures Alpha Zrt. through its venture capital funds for the development of the activity. In order to provide further growth opportunities for Számlaközpont, the 50% stake in the Company held by the financial investor was sold to GriffSoft Zrt., an administration system developer. The 50% shareholder-founders stayed on board.

GriffSoft is focusing on budgetary institutions and local governments besides corporate clients. The transaction enables GriffSoft to strengthen its presence in B2B e-invoicing segment, while Számlaközpont gains support for further growth and international expansion.

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