Five Arrows DP

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Five Arrows DP
Private Debt Investment Fund
Provided Financing
Group of veterinary clinics
Advised on the Placement of Debt

Advised Qovetia in securing €130m in financing from Five Arrows Debt Partners

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam – IMAP France advised Qovetia in securing €130m in financing from Five Arrows Debt Partners.

With over 70 veterinary clinics grouped together in 4 years, the Qovetia network has rapidly gained a reputation for promoting a unique model that brings together all the sector's specialties (companion animals, equine medicine and rural medicine) and involves vets in its governance.

This new €130m financing in the form of senior and junior bonds will enable the Group to (i) improve its financial structure by refinancing part of its bank debt, (ii) finance an ambitious plan to make around sixty acquisitions over the next 2 years, and (iii) finance development projects.

Founded in 2020 by bringing together ten clinics in Normandy, Burgundy Franche-Comté and Occitania, and with the financial support of Careventures and Unexo, Qovetia has since then been joined by some sixty clinics covering most of France. Operating as a B2B platform, Qovetia provides a distinctive, vet-friendly value proposition that drives clinic performance and improves vet retention.

Qovetia and its management were advised by DegroofPetercam Investment Banking – IMAP France in their negotiations with lenders and in the structuring of a financial solution in line with the Group's ambitious external growth strategy.

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