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Distributor of magazines and newspapers to more than 4,500 sales outlets in Belgium
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Distributor of magazines, comic books, novels and puzzles destined for newsstand sales in the NL
Advised on Purchase of Company

IMAP Belgium advises bpost on the acquisition of Aldipress, the leading magazine distributor in the Netherlands

IMAP is pleased to announce that Degroof Petercam – IMAP Belgium has acted as exclusive financial advisor to bpost on the acquisition, through its subsidiary AMP, of the Dutch press distributor Aldipress from DPG Media.


bpost (ENXTBR:BPOST) is Belgium’s leading postal operator and a growing parcel and omni-commerce logistics partner in Europe, North America, and Asia. Its 36,000 employees in Belgium and across the globe connect consumers, businesses, and governments, by delivering mail and parcels to millions of doorsteps and providing e-commerce logistics services. In 2021, bpost generated a turnover of €4.3 billion.


Aldipress is engaged in the distribution and marketing of magazines, comic albums, novels, and puzzle booklets intended for newsstand sale by retailers within the Netherlands. Aldipress manages c. 1,050 titles distributed to c. 5,150 points of sale.


bpost, through its wholly owned subsidiary AMP, is already active in the distribution of printed articles (magazines, newspapers, novels, and puzzles) for newsstand sale in Belgium. AMP distributes more than 425,000 magazines 

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