DC Capital Partners

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
DC Capital Partners
Private equity firm
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
AstreaX, Inc.
Government IT solutions provider and systems integrator, implementing moderniza
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised AstreaX on its sale to DC Capital Partners

Capstone Partners (IMAP USA) advised AstreaX Inc. and Aura Solutions (collectively AstreaX)—a leading provider of software development and implementation services for government modernization technologies—on its sale to private equity firm DC Capital Partners.

Founded in 2010, AstreaX is a pioneer in developing and implementing software solutions that facilitate government IT modernization and digital identity tool adoption. The company was founded with the mission to serve the DMV market challenged with increasingly aging systems and dependency on legacy vendors and outdated IT infrastructure. AstreaX has assisted the State of Arizona in the development of a modern, cloud-based super portal, delivering secure, improved, and expanded online services for the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (“AzMVD”). AstreaX provides solutions that effectively digitize highly antiquated DMVs, spanning vehicle title & registration to dealer licensing, finance with integrated super portals.

DC Capital Partners is a private equity investment firm headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, focused on making control investments in middle market, U.S.-based, Government Services and Engineering & Consulting Services businesses.

Our business is your business growth


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