Carelink Gruppen A/S

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Carelink Gruppen A/S
Provider of welfare services
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Mind-Move ApS; Mind-Move Behandling ApS
Operates homes offering specialized care and support for children and young people in need
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised on sale of Mind-Move to Carelink

Mind-Move is a children's and young people's home that for years has provided support and care to children and young people who need specialized social efforts as well as school services. The company currently operates 4 residences in Århus Municipality with space for 33 children and young people and employs a total of 34 employees. The company also offers various services and training in the social field in the sister company Mind-Move Behandling.

With Carelink Gruppen's acquisition of Mind-Move, it will be possible to combine the professional expertise and competences of both organizations by creating a common platform and common thread for the benefit of children and young people with complex needs, their relatives and the municipalities.

DealHaus (IMAP Denmark) was the seller's exclusive corporate finance advisor throughout the process.

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Transakcijski svetovalci
Our business is your business growth


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