Bolster Investment Partners

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Bolster Investment Partners
Long-term investor in exceptional Dutch companies
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Leonis Investments B.V.
Multidisciplinary HR advisory firm
Advised on Attracting Strategic Investment

IMAP Netherlands advised Leeuwendaal on attracting Bolster Investment Partners as a new strategic shareholder

IMAP Netherlands is pleased to announce that Leeuwendaal, a leading multidisciplinary HR advisory firm, has attracted a new strategic shareholder in Bolster Investment Partners, a long-term investor in exceptional Dutch companies.

The new partnership, led by Managing Directors Arjen Kuijten and Edward Hermans and the broader management team, will continue building on Leeuwendaal’s success. With a rapidly growing demand for ‘human centric consultancy’ and opportunities for further growth, including targeted acquisitions, Leeuwendaal is well-positioned to achieve the shared growth ambitions.

Bolster Investment Partners is an experienced, engaged, and entrepreneurial investor with a long-term investment horizon. Supported by many successful Dutch (former) entrepreneurs, Bolster Investment Partners collaborates with exceptional Dutch companies to create real, sustainable value.

Leeuwendaal provides multidisciplinary HR advisory services to help people and organizations function better and more effectively. Their services include the development of talent, organizing the conditions for excellent performance and strengthening the staffing of all key positions. Clients typically have a social purpose and operate in the fields of government, education and healthcare, and other domains where people make a difference. Leeuwendaal is the exclusive partner in the Netherlands of the American research firm Gallup, with whom they collaborate to identify, develop, and leverage strengths. The company employs over 210 specialized professionals, such as psychologists, organizational consultants and trainers and coaches.

IMAP Netherlands has a proven track record in corporate finance advisory for the business services domain, in particular with clients active in consultancy and advisory services. The IMAP Netherlands team, led by Guillaume Petit, Steven Klaren, Jonah van Ravenzwaaij and Jeroen van Mil, exclusively advised the shareholders of Leeuwendaal on this strategic partnership and the associated process.

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