Avenir Group

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Avenir Group
HR consulting, assessment, training, and career coaching
Entered into a partnership with
Liberta Partners
Invests in and develops companies in succession and spin-off situations
Advised on strategic partnership

Advised shareholders of HR management specialist Avenir Group on strategic partnership with Liberta Partners

The Avenir Group, a leading Swiss company in the field of human resource management, is entering into a strategic partnership with Liberta Partners and expanding its management team. Liberta Partners' investment opens up new options for the Avenir Group to expand its market area and further digitalize its offering. The addition of further employees to the group of shareholders ensures continuity in the management team for the next development steps.

TCFG (IMAP Switzerland) acted as lead advisor to the shareholders of Avenir Group.

Our business is your business growth


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