Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Provider of full spectrum of IT services
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Clarystone s.r.o.
IT solution system integrator focused on data, voice and image transmission
Advised on Sale of Company

IMAP Czechia advised Clarystone, a leading Czech IT solutions systems integrator, on its sale to Aricoma

IMAP is delighted to announce the successful sale of Clarystone, a leading Czech IT systems integrator, specializing in data, voice and video transmission solutions, to major European IT holding ARICOMA.

With a proven track record spanning over 17 years, Clarystone stands as a leading Czech system integrator of comprehensive solutions for data, voice, and video transmission. Clarystone serves prestigious clients, including major corporations, with a strong focus on utilities and rail infrastructure.

Being a part of the KKCG conglomerate, ARICOMA is a Czech-based IT holding of companies focused on end-to-end IT services and digital transformation active at the pan-European level. ARICOMA employs 1,600 professionals, while serving more than 6,000 customers through over 30 branches, with consolidated annual revenues of EUR 400mn.

The IMAP REDBAENK (Czechia) team, led by Radek Schmied and Petr Sedlar provided comprehensive advisory services throughout the sale process.

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