Agile software development provider with a focus on bespoke enterprise solutions
majority control has been acquired by
Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
Private equity investor
Advised on Sale of Company
IMAP advises LEA Partners on the sale of AOE Group to Deutsche Beteiligungs AG
IMAP has advised LEA Partners on the sale of a majority stake in AOE Group to Deutsche Beteiligungs AG. AOE is a leading agile software development provider with a focus on bespoke enterprise solutions. With this transaction, AOE will benefit from DBAG's extensive experience and network in the fast-growing IT service sector. The founders of AOE will remain fully committed and continue to lead the company’s expansion as significant minority shareholders. Financial investor QVM will continue to stay on as a minority shareholder as well.
AOE Group, Wiesbaden, Germany
As a leading provider of agile software development, AOE specializes in supporting innovative companies in their digital transformation with tailor-made solutions for e-commerce, telecommunications, aviation, healthcare, manufacturing, fintech and public administration. Headquartered in Wiesbaden with over 200 employees, AOE is described by its clients as a "speedboat" and is valued as a co-creation partner and individual software developer for complex end-to-end (front-end and back-end) solutions.
The IMAP team has exclusively advised and supported LEA Partners during the transaction.
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