Wagner Holding GmbH

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Wagner Holding GmbH
Family Office
Acquired 30% of Business Operations
Mamito GmbH
System supplier to support deep frying processes
Advised on Aquisition of Portfolio Company

Advised Wagner Holding GmbH on the acquisition of a 30% stake in Mamito GmbH

In the course of a capital increase, Wagner Holding GmbH, Braunshausen has acquired 30% of Mamito GmbH, Seeg, expanding its portfolio of innovative SMEs in the sustainable food sector. Wagner Holding supports Mamito GmbH with necessary investments, thereby ensuring the company’s continued growth.

Mamito GmbH, Seeg, Germany

Mamito is a system supplier to support food deep frying processes for HoReCa clients and the baking craft. It markets high-performance frying oil, additives for fat stabilization (vegetable-based) and dosing systems for additives.

Wagner Holding GmbH, Braunshausen, Germany

Family Office of an entrepreneurial family business with a focus on mid-sized companies in promising industries in the DACH region. Provides management consulting and investment funds for sustainable, ecological and socially-acceptable businesses.


IMAP prepared the transaction on behalf of the shareholders of Wagner Holding GmbH and handled it in all its phases.

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