Sdiptech AB

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Sdiptech AB
PE investing in technical infrastructure companies
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Unipower AB
PQ measurement and smart grid system products
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Unipower AB on its sale to Sdiptech AB

Advised Unipower, a technological leader in the area of power quality measurement and smart grid system solutions, on its sale to Sdiptech, an engineering company and provider of niche technical services and products for urban infrastructures.


Sdiptech's focus is on urban infrastructures. They provide deeply niched products and services within modernization, new installation, service & maintenance in e.g. hospitals, traffic systems, water supply systems, and data centers. Sdiptech has a clear growth strategy, through organic growth and synergies within the Group, as well as through acquisitions.


Unipower has had a stable growth in recent years and had invested a lot in the company’s own infrastructure, such as the development of a new product platform. Since the company has many industrial customers in more than 50 countries around the world, the owners felt that a new partner would strengthen the ownership structure. Sdiptech's industrial focus and understanding was the perfect match. IMAP advised the sellers throughout the process.


Jacob Holm, CEO at Sdiptech, said: "With Unipower we are strengthening our presence in the field of power and energy supply, which is an essential part of community critical infrastructure. With Unipower’s products based on smart-grid solutions and big data we can offer our customers critical business functions for continuous monitoring of energy supply."


Peter Andersson, CEO and co-owner at Unipower, said: "I experience IMAP as structured, professional, and, above all, very committed. With IMAP’s support, you minimize the time spent on the process, leaving maximum space for managing the day-to-day business operations and activities. We felt very confident during the process since IMAP did not leave any details by chance."

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