Quivado B.V.

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Quivado B.V.
Logistics company
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Transportcentrale Rotterdam Beheer B.V.
Logistic services in container and paper transport
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Transportcentrale Rotterdam Beheer B.V. on its sale to Quivado B.V.

Transport Center Rotterdam

Transport center Rotterdam is a logistics service provider active in container and paper transport in the Benelux. Transport center Rotterdam is a family business and outsourced 90% of its transport to other transport companies. Thanks to their own drivers and their own fleet, they have the advantage of a lot of flexibility.

The Investor

Quivado BV acquired the entire share capital of Transportcentrale Rotterdam Beheer BV, a Papendrecht-based provider of freight transportation arrangement services. The buyer intends to expand the company further.

IMAP's Role in the Transaction

IMAP Netherlands assisted Transportcentral Rotterdam in the entire process. The deal team of IMAP Netherlands consisted of: Remco Schouten, Cees van Vliet, Wouter Mostert and Tjalie Steenbergen.








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Transakcijski svetovalci
Our business is your business growth


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