Advised THUN Automotive GmbH on the sale of 100% of the business operations to an investment fund.
An investment fund, advised by Obermark, has acquired 100% of the shares of THUN Automotive GmbH, Gevelsberg.
Investment fund, Switzerland / Luxembourg
Financial investor, specialized on mid-sized companies in the DACH region, with a leading market position in their sector.
THUN Automotive GmbH, Gevelsberg, Germany
High-performance, mid-sized company that has established itself within the European automotive industry as a reliable supplier of precision turning parts, pressed parts, drawn parts and complete assemblies. The product portfolio especially includes punched, turning and pressed parts mainly for the use in the areas engine and exhaust gas technology, airbag/steering wheel, seating systems and seatbelts, transmission, locking systems, chassis and fail-safe systems for the trunk.
IMAP initiated the transaction on behalf of THUN Automotive GmbH and handled it in all its phases.
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