Advised the shareholders of Well Plus Trade on the sale of a majority stake to HQ Equita
WELL PLUS TRADE GmbH, a leading provider of sports and dietary nutrition with its known brands Power System and Slim System, has been acquired by funds managed by HQ Equita GmbH. The two managing directors remain minority shareholders and continue running the business. The new owner will help to further internationalize the company.
WELL PLUS TRADE GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
A leading provider of sports and dietary nutrition in the German-speaking region with development and sales of primarily protein-based sports and dietary nutrition products. Brands include: Power System and Slim System as well as other Private Label brands. The focus is on the German and European drugstore and food retail market. Innovative products including powders, bars, ampules, capsules, and gels.
HQ Equita GmbH, Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe, Germany
HQ Equita is the investment company of HQ Capital (Harald Quandt Family) and has industry expertise in the related market for OTC health care products. Since its founding in 1992 it has made investments in more than 30 companies.
IMAP initiated the transaction on behalf of the shareholders and handled the process in all its phases.
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