Advised the owner of Felss Group on the sale of a majority stake to Capvis
Capvis Equity Partners AG acquires a majority stake of Felss Group, a technology leader and a global machine tool and component manufacturer. The acquisition ensures a sustainable succession of Felss Group.
Capvis Equity Partners, Baar, Switzerland
Capvis is a leading private equity company based in Switzerland. It is one of the most active investors in German speaking Europe with a focus on majority stakes of leading, mid-sized companies.
Felss Group, Königsbach-Stein, Germany
Felss Group is a technology leader within the field of high precision cold-forming of hollow parts, especially for the automotive industry. Manufacturing sites in Germany, Switzerland, USA and China and turnover of €125 million and 600 employees.
IMAP initiated the transaction on behalf of the owner of Felss Group in the course of a limited auction and handled it in all its phases.
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