ESAS Nederland B.V.

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
ESAS Nederland B.V.
Informations and communications technologies provider
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Teletronika B.V.
Fibre optic and coaxial network design and construction
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Teletronika B.V. on its sale to ESAS Nederland B.V.

Teletronika B.V., a Netherlands-based company engaged in designing, constructing and maintaining fibre-optic and coaxial networks, will become part of the ESAS group, a Belgium-based group of companies providing information and communications technology, installing, monitoring and maintaining any connected device with end-to-end remote services, field services, and outsourcing and software solutions.


The acquisition provides economies of scale, the expansion of its service range and access to the Dutch market. Current activities of ESAS take place behind the front door, where activities of Teletronika B.V. take place outside people's homes. By integrating Teletronika's services, ESAS is able to provide a full service model to its clients.


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Transakcijski svetovalci
Our business is your business growth


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