Advised Telarco on its sale to industrial congolmerate Storskogen
Telarco is a leading provider of excavation services and civil works with a strong foothold in southern.
The Investor
Storskogen is a privately owned industrial group, with a long-term investment focus investing in stable and profitable companies with a strong position within their niche market. Today the group consist of a diversified company portfolio with 18 independent companies with a total revenue around EUR 200 million and 700 employees.
The Deal
Telarco was looking for a new long-term owner and in Storskogen they found just that. Storskogen’s vast experience in running companies was also attractive to Telarco.
"After a well-organized process with great interest, Telarco and Storskogen feels like a good match, much because of Storskogen's long-term approach to their investments. Together with the previous owners, Storskogen will continue to develop Telarco and we are excited to follow Telarco in the years to come", says Tim Persson, IMAP
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