
Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Provider of aircraft leasing services
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
SAG USA (Special Applications Group)
Simulation training
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Special Applications Group on its sale to a Strategic Acquirer

Capstone Partners (IMAP USA) advised Special Applications Group (SAG), an innovative provider of mission-critical tactical helicopter training, operational planning, and support services to domestic and allied military agencies and government organizations, on its sale to a strategic acquirer.


SAG was formed in 2004 in Tampa, Florida by Bryan Bean and Dave Lawrence, two former Special Operations officers. They recognized there was a market need for values-based, responsive studies and assessments within the Special Operations community of interest, and demand for standards-based training in support of Federal and local law enforcement in the post-9/11 era. The founders were able to address this market need by assembling a core team of proven former Special Operations Forces (SOF) leaders from this unique Joint community.

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