Advised shareholders of Glas-Mayer GmbH & Co. KG on a management buy-in under the terms of a succession agreement
Subsequent to the succession agreement, the former management of Glas-Mayer GmbH & Co. KG, Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Germany took over the company together with the strategic partner Glas-Mayer Ramstein GmbH & Co. KG. The transaction was designed as a Management buy-in.
Glas-Mayer Group, Ludwigshafen, Germany
A leading wholesale company for flat glass and manufacturer of insulating glass panels in the south west of Germany, it offers the complete range of functional and insulating glass.
A former regional company of the Glas-Mayer Group in the area of Westpfalz-Saar, which was previously split off from the group under the terms of a MBO in 2004.
Regional company of the Glas-Mayer Group for the Frankfurt area.
IMAP prepared the transaction under the terms of the succession agreement for the shareholders of Glas-Mayer GmbH & Co. KG and handled it in all its phases.
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