The Chinese family holding SEC acquires 100% of the shares in VEM Group in Dresden, a traditional manufacturer of electric drive systems, special motors and machines, from the entrepreneurial family Merckle. Together with the previous management of VEM, SEC will continue to pursue the expansion of the company.
VEM Group, Dresden, Germany
Produces and designs regulated electrical drive systems, special motors and machines with a power range from 0.06 kW to 42 MW as well as drive technology and power generation components. The products are manufactured at three production sites in Dresden, Wernigerode and Zwickau and are used in ships, light railways, light rail vehicles, chemical plants and rolling mills as well as in hydroelectric and wind power plants.
SEC Holding Co., Ltd., Wuxi, China
Chinese family holding. Among other things, it is the majority shareholder of SEC Electric Machinery Co. Ltd., manufacturer of DC and AC motors and generators for a variety of industries.
IMAP initiated the transaction on behalf of the buyer and handled it in all its phases.
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