Nalka Invest AB

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Nalka Invest AB
Investment group
Acquired 40% of Business Operations
Ryds Bilglas AB
Leading vehicle glass repair and replacement group
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Ryds Bilglas on its sale of a 40% stake to Nalka Invest

The deal provides Ryds with an opportunity to build a stronger platform. During the deal process, Ryds Bilglas acquired Sweden’s third largest glass player, Samglas.Ryds Bilglas is part of Ryds Glas, which originated in Sundsvall where Erik Ryd in 1947 started Ryds Glasmästeri. Ryds Bilglas is a leading player in automotive swaps and repairs in Sweden, and is represented in most major locations in Sweden with over 110 workshops.


The acquisition of Ryds Bilglas strengthened Inter IKEA's position and service offering.


Magnus Ryd, CEO of Ryds Bilglas AB, sees great opportunities: "As the company grew, the business is expanding and its target is also beyond the borders of Sweden, so more resources and knowledge about this type of growth are needed. Inter IKEA Investments complements Ryds Bilglas on several important areas, and we have started a good dialogue about how we will grow together over the next few years. Their experience of owning and developing companies will be a good complement to our industry expertise."

Our business is your business growth


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