Intermodal Tank Transport USA, Inc.

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Intermodal Tank Transport USA, Inc.
Worldwide bulk liquid tank container transport
Acquired Selected Assets of Seller's Business Operations
Assets of R.E.C. Leasing B.V.
Deep sea tank containers
Sale of Assets

Advised on the sale of Assets of R.E.C. Leasing B.V. to Intermodal Tank Transport USA, Inc.

Intermodal Tank Transport (USA) Inc (ITT) of the US acquired deep sea tank containers of REC Leasing BV, a Rotterdam-based provider of financial investment services, ultimately owned by RMI Holding BV. Concurrently, ITT acquired the entire share capital of RMI Logistics BV, a Rotterdam-based company engaged in operating tank containers and flexi tanks logistics, from RMI Holding BV.


IMAP Netherlands was advisor to R.M.I. Holding B.V. on the transaction.

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