
Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Private Equity fund
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Production and distribution of surgical instruments
Advised on Purchase of Company

Advised on the purchase of Landanger by Private Equity Group 21Invest

The Landanger Group, founded in 1947, manufactures and distributes surgical instruments for which it also offers maintenance services with a presence in nearly 60 countries. The Group designs and distributes surgical instruments for open and minimally invasive surgeries through the Landanger and Delacroix-Chevalier brands, the latter being recognised worldwide for its range of cardiovascular and thoracic instruments. It also manufactures complex ancillaries for prosthesis manufacturers through the Maire-Didier brand. 


The wide range of innovative products (7,500 SKUs), a strong commitment to quality and service and a large presence in France, the Landanger Group works with 85 per cent of French public and private hospitals and clinics with which it has had a longstanding relationship.  Landanger reached a turnover of 25.5 million euros in 2018, circa 30 per cent internationally, in a buoyant market driven by the increasing number of surgical operations, and the growing need for specialty instruments in more and more complex procedures.


21 Invest France will accompany Landanger to strengthen its leading position in France, especially by expanding the offer through improved innovation capacity (recent launch of a new Ear, Nose and Throat range), and to accelerate its internationalisation. Targeted build-ups will support the growth plan bringing synergies both in terms of products and geographic coverage, in order to create a leading international player in surgical instrumentation.

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