Private investors

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Private investors
Private investors
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
Antonio Carraro
Design, manufacture and marketing of compact tractors
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised on sale of Antonio Carraro to private investors

Private investors signed a binding agreement to indirectly acquire a 50% stake in the share capital Antonio Carraro S.p.A. (“Antonio Carraro”).


Antonio Carraro, with more than one hundred years of heritage, is an international leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of compact tractors for specialised agriculture in in the fruit, vegetable, wine, civil maintenance and mountain hay sectors.


Antonio Carraro, with revenues in excess of €140m, boasts a strong commercial presence in foreign markets and exports its products to more than 40 countries.


Vitale (IMAP Italy) acted as financial advisor to the sellers.

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