Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems Co. Ltd.

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems Co. Ltd.
Manufacturer of automotive luminaires
Acquired 70% of the shares
Neue I&T
Manufacturer of extruded flat flexible cables
Advised on sale of the company

Advised Neue I&T on the sale of 70% of its shares to Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems

In the context of the restructuring proceedings of the I&T GmbH, Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems has acquired 70% of the shares of the newly established Neue I&T GmbH.

Chines company Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems offers a wide spectrum of luminaires for the automotive industry, including headlights, fog lights, and rear lights. Beside Chinese OEMs, the company also supplies international OEMs with production facilities in China.

With the acquisition of Neue I&T in Austria and its patented production of extruded flat flexible cables, Xingyu can extend its product range to other industries as well as launch a new generation of luminaires for the automotive industry through a smaller and lighter design. 

Neue I&T GmbH was founded in the context of the restructuring proceedings with self-administration of I&T GmbH. The relevant operational assets were transferred to Neue I&T GmbH through an asset deal. The Neue I&T GmbH develops and produces flat flexible cables for the automotive industry using patented extrusion process technologies.

IMAP advised the seller and accompanied the process at all stages.

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