Manufacturer of uPVC profile systems for windows and doors
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
NCL Wintech Ltd
Extruder of uPVC profiles for window and door systems
Advised on sale of company
Advised NCL Wintech on the sale to VEKA Group
VEKA Group has acquired a majority stake in NCL Wintech Ltd, a subsidiary of the Indian-based NCL Group. With the acquisition of the shares, VEKA Group, which has been represented in the Indian market with its subsidiary VEKA India since 2003, is further expanding its established market position.
NCL Wintech Ltd, Hyderabad, India
The listed NCL Group is a leading company in the Indian construction materials industry with about 700 employees and sales of over €100 million. NCL's uPVC profile business is bundled in NCL Wintech Ltd, the largest manufacturer of uPVC profile systems for windows and doors in India
VEKA AG, Sendenhorst, Germany
The family-owned VEKA Group, headquartered in Sendenhorst near Münster, is the world's leading manufacturer of uPVC profile system solutions for windows, doors and sheet systems with over 5,500 employees at 36 locations and sales of over €1.0 billion.
IMAP India initiated the transaction on behalf of the shareholders of NCL Wintech and handled it with the support of IMAP Germany in all its phases.
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