Champlain Capital Partners

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Champlain Capital Partners
Small and middle-market private equity fund
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Master Cutlery, Inc.
Manufacturer of knives, swords and defense products
Advised on Sale of Company

Advised Master Cutlery on its acquisition by Champlain Capital

Advised Master Cutlery, a prominent designer and manufacturer of crossbows, hunting knives, military & tactical gear and self-defense products on its acquisition by Champlain Capital, a private equity firm focused on small and middle market, niche businesses in manufacturing, consumer products, distribution and non-financial services. Master Cutlery has a reputation for quality and innovation with a strong IP portfolio and boasts over 6,000 active SKUs that make up 19 proprietary brands and seven licensed brands. The company sells across the U.S. and internationally to customers in Europe, Asia and Australia.


Champlain Capital Partners is a private equity firm focused on small and middle market, niche businesses in manufacturing, consumer products, distribution and non-financial services. The firm is led by investment professionals and operating executives who are committed to helping small and middle-market companies build their businesses.


Champlain has extensive experience in consumer products and will aid Master Cutlery in growing its business. Master Cutlery is a premier innovator in the field and provides an opportunity for Champlain to leverage and expand end-markets, create operating efficiencies and serve both vendors and customers with elevated service.

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