Italian leader and third in Europe in gas distribution
Acquired Majority Control of Business Operations
European Gas Network S.r.l.; Naturgas S.r.l.; Fontenergia S.r.l.
Distribution of natural gas and LPG
Advised on Purchase of Company
Advised Italgas on the acquisition of European Gas Network, Naturgas and Fontenergia
Advised Italgas, Italian leader and third player in Europe in the gas distribution business, on the acquisition of European Gas Network, Naturgas and Fontenergia, companies involved in the distribution of natural gas in Sicily, Calabria and Campania and LPG in Sardinia.
Veselimo se vašega sporočila. Naša ekipa je vedno na voljo za pogovor.
Hvala za vaše zanimanje za IMAP. Prosimo, uporabite spodnji obrazec, da nam poveste več o vaši trenutni situaciji in poskrbeli bomo, da vam bo pravi strokovnjak odgovoril čim prej.