Advised industrial filter manufacturer Milton on its sale to Pleatco
Pleatco, a portfolio company of Align Capital Partners, has acquired Milton Manufacturing.
Milton Manufacturing
Founded over 25 years ago and based in Ontario, Milton provides spun bond, paper, felt and pleated bag filters to OEM partners and customers in Canada and the United States. Through continuous and extensive research and the employment of advanced manufacturing techniques and stringent quality controls, it has built up a premier line of standard and custom designed filters.
Pleatco is a leading designer and manufacturer of pleated filter cartridges and other filtration products for the pool/spa and industrial end markets, across the USA and Europe. With the acquisition of Milton, Pleatco now expands into the industrial air filtration market.
The IMAP Canada team in Toronto, led by Ken Skinner, acted as sole financial advisor to Milton. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
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