Argos GmbH

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Argos GmbH
Financial Investor
Acquired majority of Group
Dural Group
Supplier of bathroom accessories and floors
Advised on Sale of majority stake in Group

Advised Dural Group on its sale to Argos GmbH

Argos GmbH, Munich, Germany, has acquired the majority of Dural Group, Ruppach-Goldhausen, Germany, as part of a succession regulation agreement.

Argos GmbH, Munich, Germany

Financial investor who specializes in the acquisition of majority ownership and the active management of medium-sized companies with focus on succession planning and carve-outs with transaction volumes of up to €75 million. Argos is an long term investor and pursues the expansion of their portfolio companies through organic growth, internationalization or add-on acquisitions.

Dural Group, Ruppach-Goldhausen, Germany

International established full range supplier of profiles and systems for bath and floor with focus on ceramic wall and floor coverings for interior accessories. Its product portfolio comprises technical and decorative solutions for all aspects of flooring including profiles for parquet, laminate, carpeted and tiled floors. Complementary product range are system solutions for sealing, decoupling, drainage and insulation. Important markets abroad, in which the group has founded own subsidiaries are France, Spain, UK, Eastern European countries as well as in the USA.


IMAP prepared the transaction under the terms of the succession agreement for the shareholders of Dural Group and handled the process in all its phases.

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