Chiller Oy

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Chiller Oy
Manufacturer of air-conditioning equipment
Acquired 100% of Business Operations
Forsberg & Tibell Kyl AB
Installation and service of cooling equipment
Rådgav vid köp av företaget

Advised Chiller Oy on its acquisition of Forsberg & Tibell Kyl AB

The Finnish company Chiller Oy acquires, together with the management, 100 % of the shares of Forsberg & Tibell Kyl AB. The Jönköping based company is considered to be a market leader in the region and was founded in the 1930’s. Forsberg & Tibell is a service company active in the functional cooling business with installation and service of cooling equipment, air conditioners and heat pumps.


“I am pleased to become a part of the Chiller Group, in this way we will get access to high quality products within cooling and heating that definitely will benefit our customers”, says Sven Karlsson, CEO and former owner of Forsberg & Tibell since 1987. “I will continue to work in the company and look forward to market the Chiller brand in an interesting market”, Sven concludes.


Chiller Oy is Finland´s largest manufacturer of air-conditioning equipment and big heatpump manufacturer. Chiller was founded for 22 years ago, have a turnover of around 200 MEURO with high profitability.


“Today we are represented in Stockholm, but the acquisition of Forsberg & Tibell creates great opportunities to market our products on a larger geographical market”, says Heikki Lahdenperä, CEO and part owner of Chiller Oy. “In Finland we have successfully acquired talented entrepreneurs and I am not averse to more acquisitions in Sweden in order to grow in an interesting market”, says Heikki.


Chiller is, apart from Finland and Sweden, also represented in Norway, Russia and the Middle East. Forsberg & Tibell will continue to operate under its own brand.


IMAP Sweden was the buyer’s advisor and project manager throughout the process.

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