Provides biomaterial banking services for cord blood, cord & placental tissue, and sperm
Advised on Sale of Company
Advised biomaterial banking services specialist Alphacord on sale to CCS Growth Partners and Corbel Capital Partners
CCS Growth Partners and Corbel Capital Partners closed a co-investment in support of the acquisition of AlphaCord.
Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Atlanta, GA., AlphaCord is one of the leading providers of biomaterial banking services and performs the collection, processing, and storage of cord blood, cord tissue, placental tissue, and semen. The Company offers its products to customers through digital advertising, an in-house call center, and referrals from hospitals and doctors, and its large base of existing patients on subscription plans results in significant and predictable recurring cash flow. Cord blood, cord tissue, and placental tissue can treat numerous diseases including malignancies, anemias, inherited metabolic disorders, and deficiencies of the immune system; cord biomaterial contains hematopoietic stem cells that will always be direct blood matches for patients and increase the chances of potential matches for the patients’ relatives.
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