Farbchemie Braun KG

Proiščite svojega svetovalca
Farbchemie Braun KG
Manufacturer of dyes
Acquired assets of company
Avellis + Huster GmbH,
Supplier of customised dyestuffs
Advised on Sale of Assets

Advised Avellis + Huster GmbH on the sale of its assets to Farbchemie Braun KG

Farbchemie Braun KG, Wiesbaden a supplier of textile dyes, has acquired the assets of Avellis + Huster GmbH, Sinsheim. For a few years, Braun has already been active in the market for leather dyes with its Swiss subsidiary L+S AG. By the acquisition of the business of Avellis + Huster, Braun can significantly strengthen its position in this market sector and nearly double turnover share of this business unit within the Braun-Group.

Avellis + Huster GmbH, Sinsheim, Germany

A well established supplier of customized dyestuffs for the leather processing industries and is a supplier of tanneries worldwide. The customers use A+H’s dyes to dye leather for the upholstery industry, the shoe, garment and accessories industry as well as the automotive industry. It has an experienced R&D team which is able to develop products that constantly meet quality characteristics such as light fastness, PVC migration fastness, fastness to perspiration, wash fastness and rub fastness.

Farbchemie Braun KG, Wiesbaden, Germany

A medium-sized manufacturer of dyes for the textile industry with its own manufacturing site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen with facilities to manufacture disperse, vat and acid dyes, as granular, powder, liquid or paste type. Braun has already been active for a few years in the market for leather dyes with its Swiss subsidiary L+S AG.


IMAP initiated the transaction on behalf of the administrator of Avellis + Huster GmbH and handled it in all its phases.

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